10, Jerbai Baug, Byculla (E), Mumbai - 400027

Advanced Certificate Course in Applied Transactional Analysis (TA)


Dr. Aman Bhonsle, Ph.D, MBA

Dr. Minnu Bhonsle, Ph.D
Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, M.D.

A Cutting Edge Technique & Approach for Self-Awareness & Relationship Management

A 50-hour part-time course consisting of 16 sessions of 3 hours each during weekdays spread over 7-8 weeks 

On-Line : – 4.00 p.m. – 6.30 p.m. (Currently Offered)

Off-Line:- Morning Batch – 11.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m | Evening Batch – 5.15 p.m. – 8.15 p.m. (2 separate batches) – Will be offered once the Covid-19 Pandemic gets over.

This certificate course aims at providing those in the helping profession & all students of human behaviour, with an in-depth understanding of Applied Transactional Analysis. This course is a synthesis of the original concepts, recent developments & contemporary approaches in Transactional Analysis.

This course can be beneficial to mental health professionals, parents, educators, clergy, physicians, people in managerial positions & the legal profession. It can even serve to enhance your self-awareness in your personal life & relationships.

The course equips the trainee to incorporate Transactional Analysis concepts in their counselling practice or in any other capacity that they may be serving society. It’s also a great tool to diagnose why one gets stuck in repetitive situations that are frustrating & why certain troubling situations seem to go ‘nowhere sometimes’ despite the ‘best of intent’.

This training targets enhancing ‘Social Emotional Intelligence’. Participants will achieve a deep ‘Self-awareness’ & ‘Self-mastery’ to create win-win relationships through

  • The Most Effective Communication Strategies
  • Mastery in Defusing Potentially Heated & Difficult Situations
  • Strategies to Enhance Self-Insight in Oneself & in Clients
  • The Ability to Work towards Negotiated Outcome
  • Effective counselling tools that answer the question ‘How did I become this way’ & ‘Why does this always happen to me?’
  • A Potent Toolkit to Raise the Quality of one’s Analytical Repetoire while being a Therapist

Learning Outcomes:-

At the end of the course participants will be able to –

  • Gain a deep Insight into their own personality & the personality of others
  • Recognize personal obstacles & how they impede their own personal success. More importantly, how to transcend these obstacles?
  • Discover how early life decisions obstruct & sabotage your success potential. More importantly, how can you change the course of your life?
  • Discover the finer nuances of inter-personal relationship politics in the office, home & social circle. How can one engage in pattern recognization to affect both teamwork & personal effectiveness?
  • The Art of Constructive Feedback & Engineering Interactions to reach a win-win outcome, to enhance relationships and solve relationship problems


  • An Overview of Transactional Analysis
  • Life Positions – Effective vs. Ineffective Self-management styles
  • Ego States Analysis and Structural Pathologies
  • Transactional Analysis Proper – Effective vs. Ineffective Transactions
  • Discounting Theory – Effective vs. Ineffective Problem Solving
  • Strokes Theory – Motivating Self & Others
  • Games Analysis – Games People Play (Self-Defeating Behaviours)
  • Drama Triangle –  Analysing ‘Phoney Roles’
  • Hungers and Time Structuring
  • Script Analysis – Being aware of past and impact on today
  • Learning Strategies to deal with Drivers & Injunctions to enhance Emotional Wellbeing
  • A step by step Therapy technique of Applied Transactional Analysis (ATAT)


  • Theory Lectures
  • Pop Quiz
  • Audio-Visual Learning
  • Group Discussions
  • Concept Skits
  • Live Improvisation 
  • Role Play
  • Self-awareness Essay


  • Previous training in counselling (Robert Carkhuff model and/or REBT) at our Institute is a necessary requirement for admission to this course
  • Preference is given to those in the helping profession e.g. psychiatrists, doctors, nurses, psychologists, counsellors, social workers, lawyers, teachers, trainers, life coaches, educators, clergy, parents, entrepreneurs, administrators, HR managers, L&D professionals and anyone interested in relating more effectively with themselves & with others
  • Participants also require an understanding of ethical issues in working with people in a helping role, especially confidentiality, respect for the client & their culture & the maintenance of appropriate boundaries
  • Participants should be open to learning & eager to enrich the quality of the services they are rendering at present.
  • Participants should be willing to participate in all learning activities in front of the group & receive feedback.
  • Participants must have time to study and do the homework assignments

Fees : Rs. 22,500/-

This amount includes:

  • Registration fee
  • Tuition fee
  • Examination fee
  • Certificate fee
  • Study material (Training Manual)


The certificate awarded certifies that the trainee has actively participated in an Advanced Counselling Course based on Applied Transactional Analysis.

Eligibility for certificate:  

Minimum 60% scoring on ~

  • Written test
  • Submission of Awareness Assignment
  • AV Test on TA concepts
  • Completion of all homework assignment

If a participant does not fulfill any one of the above criteria, he/she is not eligible for the certificate.

How to apply: 
Contact our Course Director Dr. Rajan B. Bhonsle on the telephone (9821093902) to make an appointment for a Telephonic interview. Selection strictly by interview

Administrators of this training program reserve the right to discontinue participation of any participants from the training, if that participant’s background, behavior or interactions are found objectionable and not as per the ethos of the institute. In such cases the participant will be given the refund of his/her paid fees.

Our Motto: Counselling is as effective as the counsellor is living effectively.