When life knocks you down, people let you down or things just generally don’t just seem work out for you, despair, anger & humiliation can get the better of you. You need not surrender to such a bleak narrative. Our counselling services are tailor made to fit every client’s unique needs & challenges. Let us help you gain the respite & dignity you deserve. Our intervention & facilitation toolkits will help you pick your battles so you can learn to finally make decisions that help you find your peace.
We offer you professional & hands on training in Internationally recognized classical counselling techniques like the Robert Carkhuff Model (A Rogerian Approach based on humanistic psychotherapy), REBT & Transactional Analysis (TA). Learn to meet a variety of client requirements with your newly acquired skillsets in a unique classroom environment where you learn to work with real people with real problems under the expert supervision of Internationally Acclaimed trainers. Your certificates can help you find a job, upgrade your soft skills, prepare for further studies or also deal with relationship management challenges.
We specialize in sex education, stress management, office politics, mental health & relationship mapping. We’d be happy to consult for you or address your team on contextually varied, culturally sensitive, socially relevant & relationally challenging matters of the human mind & heart. Reach out to us if you’d like to arrange a talk!
We offer bespoke workshops & training through sessions based on site education to management teams across industries & disciplines on matters of counselling, workplace woes & interpersonal dynamics. Connect with us if you’d like us to visit your company for a chat with your team or if you’re looking to organize a seminar!
Heart To Heart Counselling Centre is the leading Counselling Centre in India.
our team


“The main strength of this course of Counselling at the Heart To Heart Counselling Centre is the excellent approach for social-psychiatric cases – in a here & now kind of crisis. After the sensitivity lab I found myself unconsciously changing for the better! I became more forgiving. I became less critical in my thinking & less judgmental. I found some kind of peace that I cannot explain… but it would make me happy about coming to your classes & I would leave feeling aahh!!!”

“My training in the Robert Carkhuff model of Counselling & REBT at the Heart To Heart Counselling Centre was a game changer for me. Ever grateful to Dr. Minnu & Dr. Rajan! May the almighty bless you with more strength to guide many more lives to hope & sunshine”

“The Counselling course at Heart To Heart Counselling Centre has touched my life & I have grown in desirable yet unexpected ways.”

“Training at the Heart to Heart Institute has the power to bring about a deep change in a person from within, just like Yoga. It feel proud and feel blessed to be a student of Dr.Rajan and Dr.Minnu Bhonsle. My heartfelt gratitude to this dedicated couple and my sincere Guru Pranam”

“Dr. Minnu is an excellent trainer. I also found Course material very good. I developed introspection, learned art of listening and self-care in this Counselling Course at the Heart To Heart Counselling Centre”

“The Heart to Heart courses are detailed and thoroughly planned programs which beautifully integrate theoretical foundations and practical applications. Dr Minnu Bhonsle is an expert, with decades of teaching and counselling experience. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Robert Carkhuff Personal Counseling and REBT courses and consider myself fortunate to be trained under her guidance. Not only did the courses help me become a better counsellor, but also furthered my personal growth!”

“The intensive training course in Counselling based on the Robert Carkhuff Model at Heart to Heart Counselling Centre under the guidance of Dr (Mrs)Minnu Bhonsle is an insightful course. The interactive sessions help us identify destructive thought processes that negatively influence our behaviour and emotions. The information and skills acquired from this course has greatly helped me achieve my goals at work and personal life.”

“I am truly grateful for Dr Minnu’s teaching. I have started my journey. Time & again I have come to realize how valuable & par excellence the experience at Heart To Heart was! Thank you Dr. Minnu & Dr. Rajan for all that I learnt from you’ll. Your guidance has made me a better person.”

“I am glad I took up all the three counselling courses (Robert Carkhuff model, REBT and Transactional Analysis) at Heart To Heart Counselling centre. It was an enlightening experience. I have also been recommending these courses to many of my colleagues and friends.”

“After M.D. in psychiatry, I did a counselling course at Heart To Heart Counselling Centre, along with my psychiatrist colleague Dr. Nitisha Verma. Subsequently I also did advanced training in REBT with Dr Minnu Bhonsle. I found these trainings and the trainer of an excellent quality.”

“I had a privilege to do Training in Counselling at HTH with Dr.Minnu. As your friend, philosopher & guide during this course, Dr. Minnu guides you to initially navigate the layers of self-awareness and then helps you to explore your attitudes towards others. In just a few weeks, you will notice an enhancement in not only your IQ, but also your EQ (Emotional Quotient) and SQ (Spiritual Quotient). Together, these acquired attributes will contribute to your sense of well-being and help you to develop and manage relationships better using empathy and non-judgmental notions. Highly recommended.”

“My journey through Robert Carkhuff model of counselling as well as REBT with Dr.Minnu at HTHwas immensely enriching. Apart from the counselling skills I learnt there, it helped me tremendously to be at peace, to be happy, to accept and love myself as I am, to accept the plans of higher power humbly… and much more!”


our location
Our Address:
10, Jerbai Baug,
Babasaheb Ambedkar Road,
Near Gloria Church,
Byculla (East),
Mumbai (Bombay) – 400027
Office – 022 23778624 / 022 23755866
Dr. Rajan Bhonsle – 9821093902
Dr. Aman Bhonsle – 9619454050